Friday, December 21, 2007

(((Video))) José Carreras sings 'Una furtiva Lagrima'

How can you not enjoy this aria!

From: L'elisir d'amore

Nemorino is in love with a wealthy girl, but she says she isn't interested in poor boys like him. Desperate, he buys a "Love potion" that only turns out to be cheap red wine. And yet, Nemorino believes the "Elixir" will work. When he sees her cry, he knows she has fallen for him at last.


Una furtiva lagrima
Negl'occhi suoi spunto:
Quelle festose giovani
Invidiar sembro.
Che piu cercando io vo?
Che piu cercando io vo?
M'ama, si m'ama, lo vedo, lo vedo.
Un solo instante i palpiti
Del suo bel cor sentir!
I miei sospir, confondere
Per poco a' suoi sospir!
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir,
Confondere i miei coi suoi sospir
Cielo, si puo morir!
Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Ah! Cielo, si puo, si puo morir,
Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Si puo morir, si puo morir d'amor.


One lonely tear steals down thy cheek,
Secretly, here in the dark.
Ah! but to me it seems to speak,
To say love may yet be a spark.

Why then do you have to leave?
Why then do I have to grieve?

One lonely tear on thy cheek
Seems to say
Don't fly away.
One lonely tear steals down thy cheek,
Here as I kiss thee farewell,
Ah! But to me it seems to speak
It has much to tell.

O stay, my love, O stay my love, O stay!
Don't fly away, O love, don't fly away!
Give love a chance to survive,
O I beg thee to try to keep love alive!
Ah! One lonely tear I can clearly see
Seems to reveal thy love for me!

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